As I said, when I went in, I had no intention of buying a blessed thing. But then, fortunately--or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, which I fear is how my hubby will look at it when he finds out about this unnecessary expenditure--I happened upon this vintage print of the most adorable little boy praying in front of a statue of Our Lady of Grace, and all of my resolve melted away in an instant. It was like falling in love at first sight. Just looking at it filled me with unutterable joy (and isn't that the whole purpose of art, after all?). The above photo really doesn't do it justice. This sweet, humble work of art, titled "His Prayer," has just about all the qualities that I find absolutely irrestible as far as artwork to adorn the walls of our home is concerned: 1) it's got undeniable vintage charm--even the water stain on the upper left-hand corner of the mat and the peeling paint on the old wooden frame don't take away from it; 2) it depicts a cherubic blond-haired, blue-eyed boy, who reminds me so much of my sons when they were little fellers; and 3) it has a religious theme to it--specifically, a Catholic theme. And it has been my experience that just about any artwork depicting the beauty and sanctity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is nearly impossible for me to resist. I love this drawing rendered in soft pastels; it inspires me, and it fills me with warm memories of the years my husband and I spent reciting a daily Rosary with our young sons.
Lest you think I broke the bank to pay for my newest object d'art, however, I must tell you that it was only $14. I carried this old 14 x 18" framed copy of "His Prayer" around the store for awhile--as I went back and forth in my head, telling myself all the reasons I needed to get it and all the reasons I didn't. (For one thing, I am running out of wall space in my house as it is!) But then I finally came to a decision: I wouldn't buy it unless I had enough cash to pay for it that way. I opened up my wallet, and I found two five's and four one's; yes, I had exactly $14. It was a sign! Cha-ching!
I know I probably shouldn't have bought this wonderful old print...but I'm awfully glad I did. I will no doubt look at it at least once a day and drink in the beauty of a piece that, to me anyway, is everything a work of art should be.
This print seems like it was made for you!! I almost think it would've been wrong for you NOT to buy it.