I thought I was going to have to wait until I got back home to New England this weekend to post some pictures of my son's homecoming from Afghanistan, because the internet at his house in Upstate NY (where my husband and I have been staying with our daughter-in-law for the past week, to help her out until her hubby's arrival--getting the nursery set up, for one thing!) won't be hooked up until next week. I never thought I'd become so addicted to my computer, but I have missed the internet sorely--mostly because I've been dying to post pictures of my darling little granddaughters, who get cuter and funnier by the minute. I've been with them for two whole weeks now: first at my daughter-in-law's family home out in the Midwest, then on a three-day road trip cross-country to NY, and now at their sweet little house (a whole new world to them) in the country. It's been unbelievably great doing the Grammy thing--in every possible way it has been a joy and a privilege, even getting up to help with middle of the night feedings; the only thing I've missed is the ability to blog about the babies! But today, my husband and I were able to go on post and use the free internet at the base library--and I am just so excited to be back at it. My heart is full to bursting with great news that I want to share!
Yesterday was a good day--a very, very good day. My husband and I went with our daughter-in-law and our granddaughters over to an airplane hangar at the base for a welcome home ceremony, and it was so moving and joyful. An Army band was playing, little boys were dressed up in mini ACU's, little girls were decked out in sparkly red, white, and blue dresses, and miniature American flags were waving everywhere.
I can't quite describe the feeling that washed over me when they announced that our soldiers were about to enter...then the door of the hangar was raised, and in they marched. After all the worries, the tears, the sleepless nights, and the prayers, our boy was back! Our daughter-in-law's other half was back! Our granddaughters' doting daddy was back! It was so cute, because as soon as he spied his wife and baby girls in the crowd, our son couldn't keep from grinning, even when the group was standing at attention--all squared away, Army style--in formation.
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