Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Six Little Sailors (and My Five Babies)

The second-born of our five sons now has five sons of his own.  His youngest (our 21st grandchild) was born this past June.

He and his wife Ginger also have a little girl in Heaven.  At 16 weeks gestation, Saint Monica Mary Pearl went home to God on August 27, 2019.

But here on earth, they have five boys, just like we do.

Our boys didn't have extensive wardrobes, and there weren't a lot of clothing items worth hanging onto after they grew out of babyhood; but I did keep a little blue sailor suit (circa 1985, size 3-6 months) and a bigger white sailor suit (circa 1983/84, size 2T).  All five of our boys had professional pictures taken in the white one between one and two years of age.  But only two of them (#2 and #3) had photos taken in the little blue one.  I know I didn't have it yet when it would have fit my firstborn, and son #2 was the first one to wear it.  I'm not sure, though, why I never got photos of #4 and #5 wearing it.  (They were my biggest, both over 10 pounds at birth, so I wonder if they just grew out of it before I thought to put them in it?)

I'm sentimental about those vintage sailor suits.  And so is my daughter-in-law Ginger.  She has had all five of their boys photographed in the blue sailor suit that their daddy once wore, and four out of the five in the white one (I'm sure the little guy will have his picture taken in it, too, when he gets old enough!).  Yesterday, she texted us this collage with our boy (top row, middle) and his five boys all wearing the same little sailor suit.

This is why I hold onto things!!  Isn't that collage just priceless?

Looking at it makes me nostalgic for the days when I was the mom of sweet baby boys.

Oh yeah, that's right: I still am.  They'll always be my babies.  They are still sweet, they are still just the cutest, and I love them so much.  They're all my favorites.  

On that note,  I'm going to show you another collage--one that I made about seven years ago.  It illustrates my point, about the cuteness.

Son #2 has joked that maybe they'll "beat" us and end up with 6 boys.  I say go for it!  I had an enlargement made of that collage of sailor suit babies, and it's already hanging up on the wall; but I will be more than happy to update it, if the need arises!


  1. Oh my heart! First of all, genetics are wild. I love to see how some of his littles are his mini-mes (The little Mr. right under him for sure!) while others favor their lovely mom. And still... all handsome Pearls!

    Secondly... I love love love that Ginger made this collage and you printed it! How perfectly perfect!

    1. Madeline, you have a good eye! That one directly under him (a junior, named after his dad) does look a lot like him, with his mama's coloring. One of our granddaughters once pointed at a picture of our son in a photo album when he was little boy and thought it was him, her cousin! So yes, there is a resemblance. :) The one in the bottom right corner looks a lot like his dad also. The one in the top right corner is his mom's mini-me, and the one in the top left corner looks like his mom's father's side. The one in the bottom left is a bit of a mix, but people often say he looks just like his daddy. So, YES, genetics are wild! I love seeing different traits coming through in our boys' children.

  2. You seem to have wonderful relationships with all of your daughters-in-law which is awesome...you got all the girls eventually! That was so thoughtful of her to send you that collage.

    1. Yes, Colleen, we are unbelievably blessed. We have the best daughters-in-law--all different, all bringing their own unique gifts to the family as a whole. All five of them really seem to want to have a close relationship with both me and my husband; all of them want us to be a big part of their kids' lives and generously share them with us. I think of them as friends, and the daughters I didn't have. I know I sound very Pollyannah-ish here, but I'm not exaggerating. I never felt like I was missing anything, because I adored my boys and thought raising them was so fun and so rewarding. But having girls added to the bunch has been so wonderful!

  3. Oh my goodness! I love this collage! Ginger is so sweet (as are all your DILs) 💖💖
