Sunday, January 31, 2021

Just Because: A New(ish) Name for My Blog

I'm just tickled to be here at this new link-up from longtime blogger Rosie at A Blog for My Mom.

Thanks, Rosie, for getting this off the ground.  When I discovered it, I was reminded of what the blogosphere was like when I gingerly dipped my toes into those unknown waters almost exactly ten years ago (way back when I was about to become a first-time grandmother, to twin girls), and through this exciting new-to-me medium “met” so many wonderful people.  I’ve missed those halcyon days when there were so many blog link-up “get-togethers”!  I'm determined to join your new Just Because link-up as often as I can, now that I'm off social media and trying to get back into the swing of regular blogging.

When I set out to create my blog back in 2011, I wasn't really very tech-savvy (not that I am now, but I've improved about a thousandfold).  I decided to call my humble little site String of Pearls, but then when I tried to give it a corresponding web address, that name was already taken.  I didn't know back then that if I'd added my first name to the address, or perhaps some dashes or underscores, I might have been able to use it and the address would have made more sense.  I picked, because it wasn't taken and it reflected my identity as a mom to five boys (who jokingly sometimes called me "Mumsie").

Well, this March my String of Pearls turns ten.  And as a little anniversary present to myself, I'm going to give it a new(ish) name.  Henceforth, it shall be known as "String o' Pearls."  

I can't believe I didn't pick this more Irish-sounding title in the first place, now that I think of it.  My husband is just about 100% Irish.  I'm more of a mutt or a melting pot: 20% Irish, about half English, with some Norwegian and other Northern European mixed in there.  But although my blood is not as green as my husband's, I absolutely adore all things Irish.  I am an incurable Hibernophile.  And now, my blog will reflect my deep and abiding love for Irish culture.

That's it for me.  Now head on over to Rosie's.  Just because. 


  1. I posted this originally with so many typos!! The bane of my blogging existence! Sorry 'bout that!

    1. It doesn't help that spellcheck thinks I should write "wish" when I try to type "Ish"! AARRGGHH!!

  2. Love the new blog name! And I think your husband should get you a new "string o' pearls" in celebration!

  3. Being 100% Irish myself, I approve!!

    1. I still can’t believe this name change just occurred to me NOW, after 10 years! I like it so much better!

  4. Happy Blog-aversary! Love the new name!

  5. I wonder if the name change is why I didn't find this right away tonight. I usually just Google "string of pe...." and it pops up.
    All set now. And the name change makes sense for you and your blog.

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