Monday, June 30, 2014

My Brother, My Friend

I've been doing a bit of spring cleaning lately (summer cleaning--potato, po-tah-to), and I came across this old shapshot in a drawer.  It has always been one of my favorite childhood pictures, of me with one of my favorite childhood friends--my older brother, who is 16 months my senior.
This 1967 photo, snapped at the top of Whiteface Mountain near Lake Placid, NY, was taken by our aunt, our father's only sister, who had no children of her own and treated my four siblings and me as if we were the most special people in the universe. My brother was 10 here, and I was 9.  Just a couple years after this picture was taken, the two of us rode a Greyhound bus by ourselves to NJ to visit her, and she took us to our first Broadway play.  Every kid should have an aunt like her.

I feel like this picture should be captured in oils, it's so endearing.  And I think the perfect artist to do it justice would have been Norman Rockwell, who was so good at depicting heartwarming scenes of small-town life in these United States.  In fact, I think my brother looks an awful lot like some of the boys Rockwell painted--he could have been one of his models.  Look at him up there with his perfectly shaped head, perfectly shaped face, and cute upturned nose...and those blue jeans with the plaid lining are killing me.  Everything about him screams "All-American boy."

He reminds me a little bit of this lad.
And these sports fans here.
And this cutie-pie, too.
My older brother is one of the funniest people I've ever met--that guy has always been able to make me laugh!  He teased me mercilessly when I was young, never letting me forget that I was a nerdy-looking thing.  He was the one who dubbed me "the fly," because of my ginormous glasses.  But I always knew that he loved--and liked--me.  We always got along so well.   My dad has told me that even when we were little tykes, we never really fought.  "You were best buddies," he said.

Well, my old best buddy is about to have a big life change.  The eldest of his three children, his only precious daughter, is getting married in a few weeks.  He's ready for it, though...especially because it means he gets to be a grandfather soon.  Like me, he has always lived for his children.  And like me, now he will live for their children as well.

Some things really don't change, no matter how old you get (thank goodness).  One of them is that my brother and I are still the best of friends.  And as you can see, he's still making me laugh. 


  1. Oh my gosh, I love this post..... so perfect!

    1. Well, it wasn't perfect. My hubby sent me a text from overseas, telling me where two typos were. I hate it when they go out with mistakes! But otherwise, I'm glad you liked it. :)

  2. I love this!! Rockwell is one of my favorite artists, and the one of the boy and his dog is one of my favorites of his. ;)
    Country Girl's Daybook

    1. I have several books filled with his artwork, and several framed prints of his hanging in my house. I've always adored his work. It always makes me smile when I look at it (unlike the works of Picasso or Jackson Pollock--I don't care if they're considered "geniuses" or not!).

  3. Laura, this well remembered photo and your comments have moved me to tears. Thanks to Rini for tagging this post today. And much love to my special nieces and nephews, yes, the most special people in the world. Aunt Toni

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this. I will never forget that play you took us to (the first of several)--"Fiddler on the Roof"--or the fact that you bought me the album afterward. I used to put it on the little record player in my room and sing "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" over and over. Great memories. You really were--and are--so very good to us. :)

  4. This is wonderful. Yes - a Rockwell picture indeed. Your brother has the exact look, especially sitting there looking out, with his hair blowing back... and those plaid-lined jeans!!! :) What a blessing to have a brother like that (I never had a brother... always wanted one), and an AUNT like that!! Yes: wonderful.

    1. I'm sorry I never replied to this delightful comment! I always love to hear from you, Nancy!
