Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Twin Teens

Our firstborn son's identical twins girls turned 13 a couple of days ago.  I can hardly believe that these two sweet young ladies, the oldest of our 22 grandchildren, are teenagers.  They're taller than I am now, but I can still vividly remember them as precious newborns.  My husband and I were so excited to become grandparents, and what a bonus it was that we got to start with twins: neither of us ever had had to wait impatiently for our turn to hold the baby, because we could each have one!  (Twins might be a doubly exhausting way to experience first-time parenthood; but it's the most glorious situation imaginable for first-time grandparents.)

These beloved granddaughters are simply wonderful girls, and I'm not saying that as a biased and doting Grammy.  It's objectively true, and anyone who knows them would agree.  They are mature in the best possible ways, but also innocent in the best possibly ways.  This mixture of maturity and innocence it a beautiful thing to behold.

The twins have always been doll lovers, and they've never seen a living, breathing baby they didn't want to hold. (Their mom and dad have given them five siblings, the youngest of whom is 6 months old, and they are the best mother’s helpers you could ask for.)  They are voracious readers, always with a stack of the books they are currently devouring resting on the table closest to where they're sitting.  (And they are big fans of their Grammy’s books. #luckiestwriterever)

Both of them play musical instruments and sing in the choir at their church, where they attend the TLM Mass in modest dresses with their heads veiled.  Their devotion to their Catholic Faith is inspiring.  They love to sew and craft and draw and write stories.  They don’t have phones.  They’re not on social media. They have lots of  friends, whom they’ve met through church and homeschool co-ops.  They are wonderfully un-worldly.

I love these two precious granddaughters to the moon and back.  They made me a grandmother and changed my life forever, in the best possible way.

Happy Birthday, girls!  I can't wait to see you later this month! XOXO

(P.S.: That second photo was taken in 2021, when I was still taller than they were!)

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