Thursday, July 13, 2023

Four Generations, Fourth of July Fashions, and Fireworks

I have the hardest time keeping up with this blog!  I can't believe it's already been almost a week since our kids left, after our glorious family vacation week together at Oyster Haven!  And I never even blogged about our Fourth of July festivities, which were pretty sensational this year.

My mom--known as Mimi to her grandkids and great-grandkids--came over to join the chaos one day, and we were able to get this photo of four generations: Mimi, me, my youngest son, and his baby girl. My mom will be 88 years young in September; doesn't she look amazing?

On Independence Day, our whole gang went over to the neighborhood where my husband grew up and where his family still has a house on the lake (it's just a little over three miles down the road from Oyster Haven), to participate in the annual Fourth of July parade.  Many of my husband's siblings and their families were there, too, forming quite a lengthy string of Pearls. Everyone was dressed as patriotically as can be. Here are two of our little granddaughters all gussied up to march in the parade.  They are practically neighbors in VA, two weeks apart in age and besties--and also very much a pair of miniature fashionistas.

My boys are always good for humorous attire on the Fourth--or anytime, actually.  Here are the two youngest, #'s 4 and 5.  I heart them big time.

One of our wee grandsons, all decked out in Stars and Stripes, was pretty worn out from all the excitement before the parade even started.

Our newest star-spangled granddaughter has the same nickname as this great-aunt who's holding her.  This lovely lady is one of my husband's four sisters, who happens to also be the godmother of this sweet baby's daddy.

After the parade, we headed back to Oyster Haven for a hamburger-and-hot dog cookout and more beach time.  And then as the sun set, we got ready to watch the spectacular fireworks show that our neighbors put on every year.  How wonderful that we only have to go to the edge of our yard to see it!

I have been incredibly overtired since our week ended.  I've been taking naps every day--which is so unlike me.  I know part of it is that it was an extremely tiring week.  I mean, we had 26 people staying in a house that sleeps 13 comfortably (13 is the maximum number of guests we allow for our Vrbo renters).  And only 10 of those 26 people were adults.  So there was a lot going on: a lot of noise; a lot of meal preparation, serving, and cleanup; a lot of playing lifeguard down at the water's edge (or in the water!); a lot of getting up early with little peeps.  

So yes, I'm tired.  But I also think I'm just feeling a little low, now that my people are all gone.  I love having them gathered all together so, so much--in spite of the craziness of it.  We look forward to that week at Oyster Haven all year, and it comes and goes so quickly.  I'm sure I'll get over this blah feeling soon, though, once I've really caught up on my rest.

Luckily, my husband and I like each other.  I mean, we really like each other.  And so we'll enjoy the rest of the summer here together, attending daily Mass, saying our Rosaries out on the boat, visiting with my mom and other relatives who are still in the area, enjoying the lake.  And making up the beds on weekend turnover days at Oyster Haven (as well as keeping an eye on the quality of our cleaners' work!  We might be a tad OCD about our beloved lake house...).

Our 3-and-a-half-year old granddaughter who lives near us in VA (the one in the red dress, floppy hat, and sunglasses in the above photo) was sitting with me one day at Oyster Haven, bemoaning the fact that we are going to be at the lake for the rest of the summer.  "When will you go back to your real house, where you belong?" she asked.   Oh my heart!  Isn't it wonderful to be loved and missed like that?

So yes, we do belong in VA.  Most of the time.  But right now, it feels right to be here with just my guy, living the lake life that's in his blood.  We'll be back to our "real house" soon enough.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Ready, set, go!

Being here at Oyster Haven for almost two weeks before the kids were due to arrive has been such a HUGE blessing! We’ve never had the luxury of doing so since we bought the house in the fall of 2015 and opened it up as a vacation rental the summer of 2016.  We get our one week each year that we block off for our own family.  But that’s it…until this summer.  Between some burst pipes in the winter that needed repairs and a last-minute late June cancellation, we had the house blocked off the whole month of June, so we were able to move right in as soon as we came north. It has just been wonderful staying here!

We were able to get a number of overdue projects done inside and out, set up all the rooms for everyone, and shop for groceries and other supplies.  I was even able to bake coffee cakes and several batches of family-favorite cookies, which I stashed in the freezer—because otherwise, would there even be any goodies left by the time the kids arrived?!

We will have four out of five boys and their families this year.  Son # 2 and his wife just welcomed a fifth son on June 16, so they will not be joining us.  It’s hard to ever get 100 percent of the clan together for this week, with all the various commitments they have.  (Adulting is hard!)  But we are thrilled to have as many as we can get spending the week under our lake house roof.

As far as sleeping arrangements: it’s cozy…yeah that’s it, cozy.  It reminds me of summer trips to my husband’s parents’ house (the one just down the road, where we stay when we’re not at Oyster Haven), when our boys were growing up.  Very crowded communal living for a week!  That’s how they bonded with their many Pearl cousins, even though they were spread out all over the country. 

Many of our boys’ kids are lucky enough to live close to each other year-round; sons #2, 3, and 4 live within striking distance of each other in VA.  But with son #1 about to settle in a new house in WI and son #5 currently living in TN, we have to try to get everyone together as often as we can, 

Are you interested in room arrangements?  Let me show you how we’re fitting 10 adults and 16 children in a house where we only allow 13 guests total when we have renters.  (I won’t show you the master, where my husband and I are sleeping, because it’s a mess!)

Son #4 and his family are getting the Aviation room.  It has a queen and a twin.  We added a queen-sized air mattress, and they’re also bringing a pack ‘n play.  He and his wife have four little ones.

Our youngest son and his wife have one baby girl, four months old, who is currently co-sleeping with Mom and Dad. This little family gets the Little Cherubs Room.  It has a full and a twin, and we’ve pushed the beds together. 

Our oldest son has six kids with #7 on the way.  We converted the basement ping pong room into a bedroom for his family.  We dragged a queen-sized bed from the other makeshift basement  bedroom into this one (it might have been hard for our pregnant daughter-in-law to be comfortable on an air mattress!). Then we added two air mattresses, a king-sized and a queen-sized, and also a pack ‘n play for their youngest.  (After the picture was taken, we added a twin mattress on the floor for their young son.)

Finally, son #3’s family gets the Norman Rockwell Room.  It’s a huge room, which has a queen and two twins already (the second twin is not shown in this picture).  We added two  twin air mattresses. Their four oldest kids will sleep with them in this room.

Their youngest will be sleeping in the walk-in closet in Papa and Grammy’s room.

Oh, and then there’s this, which my husband saw on a Sam’s grocery run and thought we ought to have for the grandkids.

Well, before I had a chance to post this, the kids started arriving!  Let the fun begin—we’re ready!