Sunday, May 19, 2024

Junior's First Holy Communion

We had another red letter day in the Pearl family yesterday, when our second-oldest son's firstborn (who was named after him, and thereby has the handle "Junior" here at the blog) made his First Holy Communion. 

Don't you love this idea?!  They can take a picture of him holding this
picture when he gets confirmed; and then holding the Confirmation
picture when he gets married (or ordained!).

Junior is the oldest of five boys (with a tiny sister in Heaven), and he is the most patient, caring, loving big brother imaginable.  I have watched him in action with the younger ones, and he will definitely roughhouse and wrestle with them because, well...they're BOYS (and I don't care what people say about the two sexes being just alike, without society's interference; boys love--and need!--to roughhouse!  It's in their nature and it's good for them).  But he never goes overboard and always seems to be aware of his superior size and strength; he instinctively holds back just enough that it's still fun, but not dangerous.  Junior is a leader and the younger brothers all look up to him.

This sweet young fella might be all boy (active and sports-obsessed and competitive, and not at all averse to getting dirty), but he also has such a tender heart.  We were with him and his brothers at their house not quite a year ago, when the call came from the hospital that baby #5 was another boy.  His eyes immediately filled with tears--not because he minded having another brother in the family, but because he wanted his sister Monica (who passed away in utero in 2019, but is still very much a remembered and beloved member of his family) to have a sister.  It took lots of gentle encouragement from everyone who loves him to convince him that Monica would be just as thrilled with another brother as she would have been with a sister.  He kills me, that kid.

I think of sweet Monica, who is no doubt a tiny saint in Heaven, looking down on her ragamuffin crew of little men and loving them fiercely.  Junior and his four brothers have a mighty intercessor and protector up there.  And when the occasion calls for it, they sure do clean up nicely.  She must have been very proud of them yesterday.


Especially of her oldest brother, Junior.

We weren't supposed to take pictures during Mass, so I have no shots of our sweet grandson reverently receiving Our Lord in the Eucharist.  But Papa and "ReeRee" got a picture with him afterward.

It is the greatest joy on earth to have so many much-adored grandchildren, and to see them being raised in the Faith by our boys and their wives.  God is so good.  We are blessed beyond measure.

Happy Sunday, dear readers!


  1. Oh sweet boy! Congratulations!! How proud everyone is of you. May you always love Jesus and receive him with the reverence of your first time!!

  2. Such a handsome boy..... actually they are all so cute.
